Booking & Rates

What to expect?

You'll find each facility you've rented unlocked and keys for the building(s) and canoe shed will be waiting for you. Your host (a camp staff person) will leave a note with valuable information and how to contact him or her.

If it's between Labor Day and Memorial Day, we'll also leave you keys to the swimming pool. Be sure to provide a lifeguard for your group and follow all posted rules.

If the weather is cold, the wood stove will be blazing. Please keep it going to conserve energy costs.

If the weather is hot, enjoy it! Buildings equipped with AC include: Mill Creek Cabin and Pine Grove.

Bring your own toiletries. Toilet paper is supplied.

Bring your own audio visual needs, flip charts, markers, and presentation materials.

We encourage all users to recycle. Signs describing our practices are posted in each kitchen.
Cleaning supplies and checklist are available to enable you to leave the facility clean when you depart.
Emergency numbers are posted at each telephone.

Unique to our setting is the great outdoors. Be sure you get to enjoy it while you're here.