
Introduction to Archery

Our Archery Range is located on Cherry Hill and is ideal for groups that want to try out archery in a beautiful setting. Enjoy a beautiful view of the Shenandoah Valley while trying to hit the target.

There are many options to pick a program for your group. We offer an 'introduction to archery' program that covers the very basics of archery. This allows for lots of time for actual shooting, and to get to know the sport of archery better.

More advanced archers are also welcome at our course. With these we'd go over some more advanced forms of the NTS Steps of Shooting.

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Equipment & Instructors

We can provide you with our compound bows, arrows, armguards targets, and ground quivers. If you want to bring your own equipment, feel free to do so. Our instructors are currently certified as USA Archery Level 2 instructors and will do everything to make your visit as pleasant as possible.