Adventure Days
Add some adventure to your year with day programs featuring caving, canoeing, tubing, rock climbing, and the challenge course!
Individuals, pairs, and groups are welcome to sign-up and come. Specific costs and time frames vary per activity. Scroll down for more information about each Adventure Day.
Challenge Course - Saturday, September 30th
Have you wanted to try the high ropes courses before, but were never part of a group that participated? Now is your chance to join us for a morning of High Ropes, meet new people, overcome challenges with them and push yourself further than before.
The cost is $20 which includes all equipment, and staff for a 3 hour high ropes session.
Minimum age is 12. Close-toed shoes and signed waiver are required.
Waivers must be signed by parent/guardian for all participants under age 18
Start time for this adventure day is 9:00am, and we expect to be finished around 12:00pm.
in Marseille haben sich in den Jahren nach dem Ausbruch von SARS mit der Untersuchung der SARS-CoV-1-Proteine beschäftigt. Sie interessierten sich vor allem für den Replikationsprozess des Virus: die Enzyme, die es ihm ermöglichen, sich in der Wirtszelle zu vermehren. Das Team testete auch eine Reihe bestehender antiviraler Medikamente in vitro, um die Replikation zu blockieren. Die Arbeiten wurden jedoch 2012 mangels ausreichender staatlicher Mittel eingestellt.